December 1, 2012

INF506 - Module 2 - definitions of aspects of social networks

Part 1
(Definitions are  from CSU modules for INF506 and a combination of my understandings) 
BLOGS- a simple way to publish
In a school setting as a TL this could be a great way to share library information and connect with staff. Often research highlights that strong personalities like to use these social tools, generally less than 5% people actively participate ... so it needs to be interesting. Like most SN things, if leadership is engaged or supportive, it helps implementation. Microblogging could be a great way to engage staff in problem solving and organisational matters.
WIKIS- an online space that can be jointly edited.
Interesting to note that Encyclopedia Britannica is editing its online version because of competition with Wikipedia. Users can also make changes but this will be vetted by EB staff. Sounds great!!
PODCASTS- delivering audio files over the internet eg: State library of NSW.. listen to videos, events and exhibitions.
Podcasting 101 for K-12 Librarians-
Podcasting is a great way to share info ... cost effective, easilt accessible professional development. Allows librarians to differentiate curriculum as they can have specific research content lessons appropriate to remedial or extended student needs.
it's a good way to retrieve information and share information. For example, storytelling, creative writing, book reviews, reading incentive programs and sharing school news.
"21st Century school librarians can lead the way with innovative programming, new resources and creative instruction. But first, they need to learn what it is all about".
TAGGING- the application to an online resource or word or phrase as descriptive metadata -eg: tnaming ing photos on FB. It helps you to find things later. Delicious is a site that facilitates social bookmarking, and thus a community of shared resources around a common interest.
FOLKSONOMY -free tagging informing so you can retrieve it later.
QR CODES- A QR code  or quick response is a simple symbol similar to a barcode(but 2D) that transmits digital messages.They can open websites, dial phone numbers, read a RSS feed or send a text message.

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